A Year Later: A Remarkable Recovery

We are thrilled to share an uplifting update on the young patient we repatriated from Zilina, Slovakia, to Bogota, Colombia, in January 2024. According to his family, after a year of dedicated rehabilitation and care, the 20-year-old has made significant strides in his recovery.

You can read the original article here

The patient, who faced immense challenges following his initial condition, is now in much better health and spirits. His family reports that he has regained considerable strength and functionality, and his determination to improve has been truly inspiring. With ongoing therapy and support, he has been able to rebuild aspects of his life, and he now looks toward the future with hope and excitement.

We are deeply touched by the heartfelt gratitude expressed by his family. Their kind words reaffirm the importance of the work we do. Knowing that our efforts helped bring him home and contributed to his recovery fills us with immense pride and joy.

This story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the unwavering love of a family, and the collective dedication of all those involved in his transfer and care. It is an honour to have been part of his journey.


How was the repatriation now a year ago? We remind you here: 

Home at Last!
On January 28-29, 2024, Aeromedical and Marine successfully transferred a 20-year-old Colombian patient from Zilina, Slovakia, to Bogota, Colombia. The patient, a university student with no prior medical history, suffered a spontaneous intraparenchymal hematoma (HIPE) in October, requiring neurosurgical intervention. Prolonged care in a neurocritical unit left him with quadriparesis and mixed aphasia.

Preparation for the Transfer
The process began in early January when the patient’s mother sought assistance. The Aeromedical and Marine team undertook a detailed planning process that included gathering medical reports, designing the safest and most efficient route, and securing logistics with airlines and governments. Air France was selected for its capability to accommodate stretcher-bound patients, and ground ambulances in Slovakia, Austria, and Colombia facilitated transport to and from airports.

The Transfer
The patient travelled on a commercial flight in a specially equipped medical section, assisted by a team of intensive care specialists. The journey involved meticulous preparation, including sedation to manage the patient’s neurological symptoms, and was monitored in real-time by Aeromedical and Marine’s ground team. Despite minor challenges, such as reconfiguring the final disembarkation in Bogota, the patient was safely delivered to a local hospital, accompanied by his family.

A Successful Repatriation
After 26 hours of travel, the patient arrived home, completing a complex yet smoothly executed mission. This effort underscores the dedication of Aeromedical and Marine in providing compassionate, safe, and efficient medical transfers.

A Year Later: A Remarkable Recovery

We celebrate his recovery and wish him continued success and happiness as he moves forward. This story reminds us why we do what we do, and we couldn’t be happier to see such a positive outcome.



A New Challenge Successfully Solved: ASWAN-GRANADA

The transfer was requested by one of our clients. It involved a man who had suffered an accident during his holiday, resulting in a vertebral fracture and a fractured finger.

He was hospitalized in a private hospital in Aswan.

The challenge was that the patient had limited mobility due to the vertebral fracture, requiring him to remain lying down as much as possible, although he was able to move and walk for hygienic purposes.
Another difficulty was his home city, Granada, which has no direct flights to Egypt. A combined air and ground transfer route was proposed: Aswan-Cairo-Madrid by commercial flight, followed by Madrid-Granada by ground ambulance.

I contacted the patient in the early morning hours; he was accompanied by his wife. After consulting with the hospital’s medical team and conducting my own assessment, the FIT-to-Fly was approved. The patient was able to travel in Business Class with his seat adjusted to its most horizontal position.

The repatriation began with a transfer to Aswan Airport by ambulance, and we completed the boarding process using the airport’s liftcarbox. I ensured the patient was comfortably seated, maximizing the seat’s recline and using the footrest to allow him to lie as flat as possible. We then embarked on the first flight, Aswan to Cairo.

At Cairo Airport, with the assistance of the passenger support service, we transferred to the next plane and began the flight to Madrid.

Throughout the flights, the patient was closely monitored. I ensured his vital signs were stable, watched for any signs of neurospinal issues, and maintained his prescribed medication regimen.

Once in Madrid, and with the help of the passenger support team, the patient was transferred to the stretcher in the ambulance for the final leg of the journey to his home in Granada by road. During this segment, he remained lying down on a vacuum mattress secured to the ambulance stretcher.


Finally, we arrived at the patient’s home without any incidents. He expressed his gratitude for being brought back home so quickly.

From the time the mission was planned to the moment the patient arrived home, less than 72 hours had passed.

“High-Seas Examination Successfully Completed”

Aeromedical and Marine TRI recently undertook a delicate mission at sea, demonstrating its commitment to providing comprehensive care in complex situations. The mission involved the assessment of two stowaways who had clandestinely boarded a vessel during its journey across the Atlantic.

Upon the ship’s arrival at the coast, the Aeromedical and Marine team worked in close collaboration with the National Police, Port Authority, and Immigration Services to evaluate the individuals. A thorough examination was conducted to assess their physical and mental health, ensuring their well-being after the long voyage.

Fortunately, both stowaways were found to be in good physical and mental condition. Following standard protocols and in coordination with the authorities, arrangements were made for their safe return to their country of origin aboard the same vessel.


This mission reflects the professionalism and sensitivity required to handle situations involving vulnerable individuals, balancing humanitarian care with operational efficiency. Aeromedical and Marine TRI remains steadfast in its dedication to providing specialized medical services in challenging environments.

Mission Accomplished: A Successful Medical Repatriation from São Paulo to London

🌍✈️ Today, we are thrilled to share a story that exemplifies our unwavering commitment and dedication to our patients. We have successfully completed the medical repatriation of a patient from São Paulo to London, ensuring their safety and well-being at every step of the journey.

This achievement was made possible by the incredible joint effort of our exceptional medical and logistical team. 🩺✨ Thanks to their professionalism, expertise, and compassion, we overcame the challenges of this complex operation, providing peace of mind to both the patient and their family.

Each medical repatriation highlights the importance of teamwork and the use of advanced technology in healthcare. This operation stands as a testament to the value of collaboration and meticulous preparation in successfully navigating critical situations.

We are deeply honored to have been part of such a significant chapter in the patient’s life and that of their family. Moments like these inspire us to continue delivering high-quality medical care on a global scale. 🌟

🔹 A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved who made this success possible!
🔹 Together, we reaffirm the importance of humanized care and our commitment to global health.

#MedicalRepatriation #Teamwork #GlobalMedicalCare #CommitmentToHealth #HumanizedCare

👉 If you’d like more information about our medical repatriation services, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to care for you!

Formación para el Máster en Emergencias HEMS en la Universitat de Manresa


El curso impartido en la Universidad de Manresa para los alumnos del Máster en Emergencias HEMS abordó de manera integral los aspectos clave de la operación en emergencias médicas aéreas, proporcionando una visión técnica y operativa de este campo especializado. A continuación, se destacan los principales temas tratados:

1. Fisiopatología en el Entorno Aeromédico

  • Adaptación fisiológica en altitud: efectos de la hipoxia, cambios en la presión barométrica y sus implicaciones en pacientes críticos.
  • Gestión de pacientes con condiciones específicas: trauma, enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias en el contexto de vuelos.
  • Estrategias para minimizar riesgos fisiológicos durante los traslados.

2. Organización de los Vuelos HEMS

  • Estructura y funcionamiento de un servicio HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service).
  • Coordinación entre equipos médicos y operadores aeronáuticos.
  • Requisitos logísticos y técnicos para la operativa segura en misiones aeromédicas.

3. Estándares de Calidad y Seguridad

  • Normativas internacionales y locales aplicables al transporte aeromédico.
  • Protocolos para garantizar la calidad asistencial en los vuelos.
  • Evaluación de riesgos y planes de contingencia en situaciones de emergencia.

4. Misiones de Repatriación en Ala Fija

  • Diferencias operativas entre helicópteros (HEMS) y aviones de ala fija para repatriación.
  • Organización de misiones internacionales: aspectos legales, logísticos y médicos.
  • Criterios para la selección de aeronaves y equipos médicos en repatriaciones.

El curso ofreció una sólida combinación de teoría y casos prácticos, enfocándose en preparar a los alumnos para enfrentar los desafíos únicos del transporte médico aéreo, garantizando siempre la seguridad del paciente y el cumplimiento de los más altos estándares profesionales.

Formació en el Màster en Emergències HEMS a la Universitat de Manresa:

El curs impartit a la Universitat de Manresa per als alumnes del Màster en Emergències HEMS va abordar de manera integral els aspectes clau de l‟operació en emergències mèdiques aèries, proporcionant una visió tècnica i operativa d‟aquest camp especialitzat. A continuació, es destaquen els principals temes tractats:

1. Fisiopatologia a l’Entorn Aeromèdic

  • Adaptació fisiològica en altitud: efectes de la hipòxia, canvis en la pressió baromètrica i les implicacions en pacients crítics.
  • Gestió de pacients amb condicions específiques: trauma, malalties cardiovasculars i respiratòries en el context de vols.
  • Estratègies per minimitzar riscos fisiològics durant els trasllats.

2. Organització dels Vols HEMS

  • Estructura i funcionament d’un servei HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service).
  • Coordinació entre equips mèdics i operadors aeronàutics.
  • Requisits logístics i tècnics per a l’operativa segura a missions aeromèdiques.

3. Estàndards de Qualitat i Seguretat

  • Normatives internacionals i locals aplicables al transport aeromèdic.
  • Protocols per garantir la qualitat assistencial als vols.
  • Avaluació de riscos i plans de contingència en situacions demergència.

4. Missions de Repatriació a Ala Fixa

  • Diferències operatives entre helicòpters (HEMS) i avions d’ala fixa per a repatriació.
  • Organització de missions internacionals: aspectes legals, logístics i mèdics.
  • Criteris per a la selecció d’aeronaus i equips mèdics en repatriacions.

El curs va oferir una sòlida combinació de teoria i casos pràctics, enfocant-se a preparar els alumnes per enfrontar els desafiaments únics del transport mèdic aeri, garantint sempre la seguretat del pacient i el compliment dels més alts estàndards professionals.


University of Manresa Training for the Master in HEMS Emergencies:

The course taught at the University of Manresa for students of the Master in HEMS Emergencies comprehensively addressed the key aspects of air medical emergency operations, providing a technical and operational overview of this specialized field. The main topics covered are highlighted below:

1. Pathophysiology in the Aeromedical Environment

  • Physiological adaptation at altitude: effects of hypoxia, changes in barometric pressure and their implications in critically ill patients.
  • Management of patients with specific conditions: trauma, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the context of flights.
  • Strategies to minimize physiological risks during transfers.

2. Organization of HEMS Flights

  • Structure and operation of a HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service).
  • Coordination between medical teams and aeronautical operators.
  • Logistical and technical requirements for safe operations in aeromedical missions.

3. Quality and Safety Standards

  • International and local regulations applicable to air medical transport.
  • Protocols to ensure quality of care on flights.
  • Risk assessment and contingency plans in emergency situations.

4. Fixed Wing Repatriation Missions

  • Operational differences between helicopters (HEMS) and fixed-wing aircraft for repatriation.
  • Organization of international missions: legal, logistical and medical aspects.
  • Criteria for the selection of aircraft and medical equipment for repatriations.

The course offered a solid combination of theory and practical cases, focusing on preparing students to face the unique challenges of air medical transport, always ensuring patient safety and compliance with the highest professional standards.

Aeromedical and Marine Shines at the ITIC Annual Congress

Aeromedical and Marine proudly participated in the prestigious ITIC Annual Congress, held this November in Vienna, a global hub for innovation and collaboration in the travel and insurance assistance sectors. Our presence at this renowned event underscored our commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry, fostering partnerships, and driving excellence in aeromedical and marine services.

Throughout the congress, we engaged actively in networking sessions, strengthening relationships with existing providers and clients while identifying promising opportunities for collaboration with new industry partners. These interactions are instrumental in ensuring we consistently enhance the quality of our services, adhering to the highest standards of safety and compliance with international regulations.

In addition to relationship-building, our team participated in key discussions and panels addressing the latest trends, challenges, and innovations shaping the future of medical assistance and transport. This valuable exchange of ideas further equips us to adapt and thrive in an increasingly competitive and dynamic global market.

The ITIC Annual Congress served not only as a platform for showcasing our dedication to operational excellence, but also as a catalyst for advancing our strategic objectives. By integrating cutting-edge insights and fostering alliances, Aeromedical and Marine continues to lead with innovation, delivering unparalleled solutions in the aeromedical field.

Innovative Aeromedical Training: Enhancing Expertise in Comprehensive In-Flight Medical Assistance Management

Last week, Aeromedical and Marine successfully delivered a highly specialized training course tailored for a prestigious company and its medical team, dedicated to enhancing their expertise in comprehensive in-flight assistance management. The training was meticulously designed to address the multifaceted challenges of aeromedical operations, focusing on critical areas such as understanding and managing aeromedical pathology, ensuring seamless patient care through pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight phases, and maintaining adherence to rigorous European quality and safety standards.

Additionally, participants were equipped with advanced strategies for coordinating and leading international medical assistance teams, emphasizing effective communication, resource management, and adaptability in dynamic and high-pressure environments. The course included practical simulations, case studies, and interactive workshops to reinforce theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience.

By the end of the program, the medical team gained valuable insights into optimizing operational efficiency, enhancing patient safety, and delivering superior care in complex air transport scenarios. This initiative underscores Aeromedical and Marine’s commitment to setting new benchmarks in aeromedical training, ensuring that professionals are not only prepared for current industry demands but also empowered to excel in the rapidly evolving field of air medical services.


Barcelona ~ Miami ~ Riyadh

Aeromedical and Marine TRI, headquartered in Barcelona, is your trusted partner in air and marine medical repatriation. We are excited to announce the expansion of our global reach with two new hubs. After Miami, now we are also present in Riyadh. With these strategic locations, we can now offer faster and more efficient medical repatriations across every continent.

Our highly skilled teams of doctors and nurses are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment, ensuring the highest standard of care for every mission, no matter where you are in the world.

Outstanding and long collaboration between Team 1 & Aeromedical and Marine TRI

We are honoured to announce an Outstanding and long collaboration between Team 1 & Aeromedical and Marine TRI


Medical Escort Support for VIP Tourism; A Dream Cruise Along The Nile

At Aeromedical and Marine TRI, we specialize in medical repatriations, ensuring the safe and efficient return of patients to their home countries. However, we occasionally have the opportunity to provide unique and extraordinary services beyond our usual scope. Recently, we had the privilege of offering VIP medical escort support to our patient, Steve, as he embarked on a dream cruise along the Nile in Egypt. This experience highlights a special aspect of our services, where we combine medical expertise with personalized care to fulfil our patient’s extraordinary travel aspirations.

Each mission we undertake is unique, but this time we had a very special mission: fulfilling a dream. Our patient contacted us because he had an unfulfilled dream of travelling to Egypt to photograph its mysterious pyramids and temples. However, his health condition prevented him from making the trip on his own, so he asked us if we could help him make it come true.

I was assigned the mission as a nurse escort, and together with the rest of the team, we began working on finding a way to make the trip safely. First, we reviewed the patient’s medical history. He was a multi-pathological patient, actively undergoing cancer treatment for leukaemia, with an old below-knee amputation of his left leg and a prosthesis, which allowed him relatively autonomous mobility thanks to strict rehabilitation. However, two weeks before the trip, he had to undergo an amputation of two toes on his right foot due to diabetic foot, significantly limiting his mobility and increasing the risks during the trip, primarily infection and sepsis. Therefore, we planned to provide daily wound care and assessments.




The trip was organized by an agency and consisted of 12 days of travel, with numerous transfers (8 flights, 7 days of cruising, and almost daily coach trips for excursions). Egypt, moreover, does not have infrastructures adapted for people with reduced mobility nor a quality healthcare system in most of the territory, often presents inadequate sanitary conditions, and extreme temperatures of up to 43ºC. Thus, our challenge was to find solutions to these difficulties without leaving room for unforeseen events, for which we had alternative plans in case of need, including repatriating the patient to Barcelona for hospital medical care, mobilizing the necessary resources depending on the point of the route we were on: in the middle of the Nile cruise, in the city, or in more remote desert areas. All chances were considered to act with the greatest speed and safety possible.


Finally, the greatest challenge during the trip was mobility. Transfers and excursions, in some cases, were more demanding than anticipated due to the instability of the terrain, combined with the heat and the patient’s weakness in the first days after the oncological treatment administered just before the trip. For this reason, we adapted the pace of the trip each day, thus being able to enjoy every moment. On some days, when we had more energy, we enjoyed incredible excursions and visits, and on other days, we simply enjoyed a good conversation and photographed an unforgettable sunset on the Nile from the cabin balcony, recovering strength for the next adventure.

We can proudly say that the mission was accomplished beyond expectations. We fulfilled a dream, overcame all the obstacles that arose, always keeping the situation under control, and enjoyed a wonderful and enriching experience for all. The greatest reward is seeing the happiness of our patient, and now, friend.

From Aeromedical and Marine we love you, Steve, and above all we admire your strength, determination and courage to fulfil your dreams and purposes. See you very soon!

Arantxa Moreno Panella_Nurse in charge of the mission