Entradas de] Robert Fortea

Successful Repatriation to Northern Ireland

Hello again, dear friends, from Aeromedical and Marine, we feel very proud and satisfied that Dr Monica Fortea has carried out a new successful repatriation collaborating with 247 Aviation. We share through the blog the comments of the Fallon family about the operation to return to Northern Ireland We are very happy to have been […]

Repatriation Mission of a Paediatric Patient from Bed to Bed

We are very glad to inform about the successful repatriation mission of a paediatric patient from bed to bed. This was a mission that required meticulous planning, coordination, and execution to ensure the safe and timely transfer of the patient. The mission involved a young patient who required specialized paediatric care.  To ensure a successful […]

Dr. Fortea attended ‘Music for Ukraine in Barcelona’

Dr. Monica Fortea. CEO of Aeromedical and Marine TRI, attended the Barcelona club The Wild Bunch that hosted the special reception last Tuesday, an initiative organized by the business club itself, with its owner Oriol Bueno at the helm, and the British consulate in Barcelona with the intention to create a movement to attract contributions […]

Successful Medevac Mission from Gran Canary Islands to Copenhagen

Aeromedical and Marine Training and Rescue International is pleased to have successfully completed the transfer of a patient from Grand Canary Islands to Copenhagen on a commercial airline. The repatriation has been successfully achieved Actor on the Spanish soil, our team is as close as possible to your patients when they stay in Spain and […]